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 by Steve Ashburn



Events in the Middle East rapidly are converging towards a possible regional war. Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum recently stated in an interview that the great powers are anticipating this war, which will be between armies (not terrorist groups) and the events we’re seeing presently are just skirmishes leading up to “The Big One.”  Her prediction is completely secular and outside of the Bible. 

But there are many chapters in the Old Testament which describe this war, the “Psalm 83” war. It begins with nuclear destruction of the Aswan Dam (“the tower of Syene” [Ezekiel 29:10]) and other “countries” and “cities” in the area, which will “be desolate forty years” (Ezekiel 29:12). The parallel account in Isaiah 19 actually describes a missile headed toward Egypt: “the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud [missile contrail]….” Isaiah 19:1).  

This 40-year period contains all the events of the end times: the nuclear war which begins it, a long period of complacency which follows, and then the rapture, the Russian invasion of North America (Isaiah 18; Daniel 7), the Ezekiel 38-9 Russian invasion of Israel, the formation of world government (the third “beast” of Daniel 7) and finally the tribulation as its final 7-year segment. I go into all of this in detail in my book, “End Times Dawning” ( 

The Psalm 83 war apparently will be instigated by Iraq (see “Nuclear War in the Mideast: Part 8” for a detailed analysis of this) and will cause absolute worldwide outrage at all the nuclear destruction they caused and result in a third US-led coalition invasion ( Isaiah 13; Jeremiah 50-51). Interestingly, Iran will not participate in the Psalm 83 invasion of Israel, but instead be a coalition partner in the invasion of Iraq. Isaiah 13:3 describes the US as still a Christian nation at the time (“my sanctified ones….even them that rejoice in my highness”) and Iran as absolutely massacring the Iraqis, including women and children: 

“Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished. Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children.” (Isaiah 13:15-18)

This alliance with Iran obviously requires a change from their presently rabid anti-Western government to a more US-friendly type. And since this war is only a few years away, this requires quite a drastic change—or does it? Things perhaps are not as they seem. . . .  Read on. 

The biblical history of this area is replete with intrigue, deception and duplicity and is characteristic of the peoples of this region even today. For example, Iran recently has engaged in silly, transparently obvious covert operations designed to make them look good at the expense of the West: 

On January 12, 2016, two United States Navy riverine command boats were seized by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy after they entered Iranian territorial waters near Iran's Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf. Initially, the U.S. military claimed the sailors inadvertently entered Iranian waters owing to mechanical failure, but it was later reported that they entered Iranian waters because of "navigational errors". The sailors never put up a fight, and had their passports with them, which you never carry on a combat mission. (I wonder if they also had return plane tickets?!) 

Iranian General Soleimani was on a diplomatic visit to Iraq—requested by the United States—on Jan. 3, 2020 when he was allegedly killed by a missile fired by the US. This was highly unlikely. If the US really wanted him, they would just have arrested him at the airport.  

Then on Jan. 8 Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 from Tehran to Kiev was allegedly brought down by a missile 3 min after takeoff at 4600' AGL, and a video camera *conveniently* recorded the exact moment of "missile impact," then ANOTHER video camera *conveniently* recorded the exact moment of ground impact 8 nm N of the airport, looking suspiciously just like a missile impact. And photos of the crash site looked like typical junk from a junkyard, not bone fide aircraft fuselage debris. Again, this was highly unlikely since flight 752 carried mainly Iranians and no Americans, and the Iranians simply do not shoot down airliners. 

These incidents smell like staged psyops. Soleimani is probably still alive, retired now, and living under a different name. The whole Iranian-US "conflict" appears to be subterfuge with Iran covertly cooperating with the US. This is just what Isaiah 13 predicts for the upcoming third US-led coalition invasion of Iraq. Iran will NOT be a part of the Psalm 83 Arab invasion of Israel. 

On October 1, 2024 Iran allegedly launched over 180 guided missiles at Israel in retaliation for Israel’s killing of Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah on Sept. 27. These missiles, having GPS/INS guidance and accurate to within 1 cm, apparently didn’t do any damage and Israel refused to report the damage for “military” reasons. Pictures of these missiles showed intact fuselages sitting on apparently undisturbed ground. Videos of these missiles showed them hitting “somewhere” on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, but never Tel Aviv itself. 

Of course, missiles from Hamas and Hezbollah are real, but I can’t help but think that this Oct. 1 incident was just a military drill. I’m not even sure the missiles came from Iran—they might have been blanks launched by the IDF as part of a psyop to make Iran to look like some kind of evil adversary. And Iran was only too happy to play along, since words are cheap. 

But why go through all this trouble? The answer seems to be to disguise covert operations. For example, how is it that Israel knew exactly where Nasrallah and his top commanders were located? And how did they know exactly which living rooms and garages all across Lebanon missiles were located in? Is their intelligence really that good? It seems more likely that Iran told them.  

And Iran supplies the majority of Hezbollah’s missiles. Although most of these are unguided, the Iranians are in the process of upgrading these with movable fins and adding GPS/INS guidance. But something tells me that if they are ever launched, they will miss their target by some distance and land in an empty field—by design! And who knows, maybe they also have encrypted GPS pinger devices allowing US satellites to pick up their exact location. . . .Heck, maybe they’ll even detonate like the pagers did. But that would give the scheme away, which Israel is probably saving for the Psalm 83 war. 

So we have deception in the Middle East, so typical of the history and peoples of this region. But the question remains: Why the duplicity of Iran? The answer apparently is that the Iranians (a Japhetic people) are no friends with the Arabs, and they would love to have their oil revenue, plus be part of an international refining & marketing network. According to Ezekiel 30, Psalm 83 and several other chapters in the Old Testament, the defeated nations will include Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, West Bank and Gaza. Some of these are rich in mineral resources, which will be spoils of war after the Psalm 83 war. 

After the third US-led coalition invasion of Iraq, a governor will be appointed to build an international city in what was formerly Iraq for the distribution of spoils of war to coalition member nations, as described in Isaiah 23:13: “Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people [international citizens] was not, till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness. . . .” This man, the “Assyrian,” will become the Antichrist.  

According to Zephaniah 2, this city will be located at the site of ancient Nineveh (present-day Mosul, Iraq) and eventually become the Babylon of Revelation. According to Nahum 1:8, prior to this, Mosul will be scraped clean down to the bedrock with a flood, probably by rupture of the Mosul Dam, 40 miles upstream, so that it indeed becomes “the wilderness”: “ But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof. . . .” And according to Nahum 1:11 this man, the Antichrist, called the “wicked counseller” will be born in Nineveh (present-day Mosul). [I have published a series of articles entitled, “Who is the Antichrist” at explaining this in more detail.] 

Therefore, the end goal of all this duplicity appears to be a regional Mideast war (the Psalm 83 war) against the Arabs and seizure of Arab and Iraqi oil, to be administered by an international governor for distribution to coalition member nations. The trigger for this wara blitzkrieg Arab invasion of Israelshouldn’t be too hard to incite since it is akin to releasing a bulldog from his chain who is foaming at the mouth and ready to kill you. 

Now the timing of this war appears to be several years away. But it will not happen until the other signs Jesus mentioned in the Olivet Discourse have happened: famine, pestilence, great earthquakes in various places, fearful sights and great signs in the heavens, and political and economic troubles.  

Perhaps the timing of this is analogous to a fireworks show: at first, a few fireworks go off, followed by oohs and aahs in the audience. This is akin to local famines, pestilences and occasional meteors we see streak across the sky. But when the finale comes, many fireworks go off at once and everyone knows what it means: the show is almost over. Likewise, when we see all the signs Jesus mentioned in the Olivet Discourse happening at once, it will be unmistakable: The end times is about to begin. 

So there’s your Middle East update. Shocking, isn’t it? But true, if you read between the lines! I have much more information about this in my books, which you may obtain at Please read them! 

Yours in Christ, 

Steve Ashburn


[This article was published on October 7, 2024]

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